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Friday, January 29, 2021

printf() and scanf() in C

 Methods In C :

    The scanf() and  printf() functions are used to read the input from the console and output to the console. Both the functions are built-in functions defined in stdio.h(standard input output) header file. C has many built-in library functions. Whenever we use any built-in functions we need to declare the header file to which the built-in function belongs to.

 scanf(): The scanf() function is used to read the input from the console/user.


 scanf("format specifiers",&variables_list);


 scanf("%d %d", &var1,&var2); [no of specifiers = no of variables]

        %d: %d in scanf allows the function to recognize user input as being of an integer data type.

        &: The ampersand(&) allows us to pass the address[place in memory] of the variable where we store the information that the scanf read. 

printf(): The print() function is used for output to the console.


printf("format specifiers", variable_list);

 No need for an ampersand(&) symbol in printf().


  printf("%d %d",var1,var2);

Format Specifiers: The format specifiers are used in C for input and output purposes. Using these format specifiers, the compiler can understand that what type of data is in a variable during taking input using the scanf() function and printing using printf() function.        

Format specifier



Signed integer

[both positive and negative values]


Unsigned integer [only positive values]


Long integer


Long long integer




Float values


Double values


Long double




    1. write a program for the input of two variables and print those variables.



    Explanation: For every variable input or output we must specify its corresponding format specifier. The output of the variables format depends on its declaration. 

2. write a program to display numbers from 0 to a given number.



 Rules to remember while writing the code :
      1. Declare variables before they used in the code.
      2. Be thorough with the syntaxes.
      3. Don't forget to put the semicolon at the end of each statement;
      4. Follow the indentation for a better understanding and to modify code easily.
      5. For every block there must be opening and closing curly braces. 

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